Greetings from the Grand Master
To all Brothers & Sisters of our Grand Order:
First, I would like to accept this position with humility for I could not do this alone but only with the assistance of many of you. To the Executive Committee, I thank each of you for your guidance when many decisions have to be made for the betterment of the Grand Lodge of Ontario.
To my appointed officers I thank you again for accepting your position with eagerness and pray we will indeed have sessions in May.
To the Past Grand Masters, thank you for accepting committee appointments and for your knowledge when called upon. You are an asset to the upcoming Executive members and we all look up to what you contributed in your term of office.
To my District Deputy Grand Masters thank you for being my eyes and ears of your District, and I am only a phone call away if you need me. I look forward to making my official visit to your District to make and renew friendships.
To all my Brothers and Sisters, I know we have struggled for the past two years due to the pandemic. The absence of meetings has caused some lodges to close due to the lack of fundraising and some lodges are consolidating.
This breaks my heart because Ontario has a strong show of Odd Fellowship and we must continue to push forward to become what we used to be.
Please communicate to those not coming to lodge to see if you can help to make things better in your lodge, remember not to say “it was always done that way” and let us try new things as long as it does not go against the Ritual or the Odd Fellow Code of Laws and the Code of the Sovereign Grand Lodge…. change can be good.
Have social time before or after your meetings. Pick up those members who can’t drive.
Have social dinners inviting prospective members to introduce them to our Order.
Contact your local papers to let the people in your community know what you are all about especially supporting charities in your area. Communication by phone, and emails are essential to make members feel that they are not forgotten.
When you get your Grand Lodge Journal have everyone take turns taking it home to read so that they know what the Grand Lodge does at sessions and important information of the Grand Lodge.
We must work together in harmony, and I will see most of you on my official visit. Please call if you have any concerns and I will research your question and get back with you with the appropriate answer.
Please stay safe and follow the guidelines of your local health unit. I look forward to seeing you on my travels and I thank you for your support.
Sister Kathryn Bellmore
Grand Master Grand Lodge of Ontario.